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The Story of our Web Site Name


* Introduction *

In January 2008 we decided it was time to set up a web site for our Wedding. As anyone who has ever done a web site knows, the first thing you need is a name. We wanted a name that was not just about the our wedding but more about who we are.

We tried for days to combine our names, the computer operating system names we use, and all sorts of other words and phrases. We spent several hours playing word games and nothing seemed right. Then Ansel had an idea.

He looked at me and said, "What about Two More Days?". We both knew that it was a great idea and the perfect name for our web site. It was not a big issue that TwoMoreDays.com was taken, we liked using the number 2 even better.

* So What does the Name Mean? *

About six months after we met one of us remarked that we wanted to be together "forever and ever". It is strange, but neither us can remember who made the first comment. So here is the conversation:

Person 1: I want us to be together for forever and ever.
Person 2: Is that all? That does not seem like it will be long enough for me.
Person 1: Ok then. How about "forever and ever and two more days"?
Person 2: That sounds perfect! Just a bit more than forever.

It is hard to say why this was so profound to us but it just was. We strongly believe that we have made an agreement and built a bond that lasts longer than this lifetime.

At times you may hear us joke about how long we get to be together. A week? A few months? We always laugh and remind each other that we have "forever and ever and two more days".


Updated on 02/17/2008